
Twitter search people
Twitter search people

twitter search people

To follow this account and see their posts in your feed, you have a couple of options. There’s so much value and you don’t want to miss out on anything this person shares! Not only that, but these tweets are exactly what you want to see in your feed. This account is active, sharing new content daily. So, you’ve come across this awesome person on Twitter. This will help get your content in front of new people, which gives you new accounts to check out and potentially follow. Post new, high-quality content on a daily basis. You can also attract people to you by being consistent with your tweeting. These tips will help your Twitter profile stand out. You should do the same with your own profile! This is why you want to have a complete profile with a nice headshot, a bio that tells people what you’re all about, and an eye-catching header image. And when you’re deciding who to follow, you’re looking at their accounts to see if their vibe and their content resonates with you. Keep in mind that other people are also looking to follow people on Twitter. Twitter Advanced Search is perfect for this! For example, if you’re looking for some food blogs to follow, search for hashtags that some of these bloggers would be adding to their tweets. But if you don’t have someone specific in mind, search topics or hashtags that appeal to you and start checking out the accounts that are tweeting about them. You can typically find a person’s Twitter account linked on their website and sometimes in their email signature. If you know of someone in particular, search for their name or username. Another way to find people to follow is to actually search for them. For more tips, read this post about Twitter chats. Keep an eye out for accounts that are sharing high-quality content and follow the ones you want to stay updated with. All you need to do is find some chats that are about topics that are of interest to you.

twitter search people

After all, I do run #TwitterSmarter, my own weekly Twitter chat! Chats are a fantastic way to make new connections with people from all over the globe. It really should come as no surprise that I would suggest being active in chats as a way to follow people on Twitter. But if you need some help finding new people to follow, I have a few ideas for you. This way, you look forward to logging onto the platform and scrolling through your feed to see what others have to say. To make it a great experience for you, you obviously want to follow people on Twitter who are sharing content that you love. Plus, I’m even sharing how you can follow topics as well, so you can keep track of all your favorite conversations.

#Twitter search people how to#

And if you discover someone is sharing posts that you no longer want to see, you simply need to mute or unfollow.īut what if you’re new to the platform? Maybe you’re just getting started on Twitter and you’re not sure how to find great people or how to follow someone else’s posts… Well, this post is breaking down the very simple steps to discover new accounts and follow people on Twitter. You’re able to choose whose content you allow into your feed by following people that you’re genuinely interested in. When it comes to social media, you’re in control of what you see.

Twitter search people